
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Notice describes the way in which we collect and use the personal data that you provide us, which use will be necessary, appropriate and relevant in relation to the specific purposes set forth in this document. It also describes what type of data they are and what options you have to limit the use of said data, as well as the procedure to exercise your ARCO rights, in compliance with the principles of Legality, Consent, Quality, Information, Purpose, Loyalty, Proportionality and Responsibility that the law establishes.

1) Responsible for the protection of your personal data

Sea Sea Transfers S.A. de C.V residing at Av. Konhulich 255, Dep C, Sm 48 Cancun, Quintana Roo 77506 Mexico. Is responsible for the use of your personal data.

2) Our Data Protection Department

Head or Area: Carlos Gerardo Gavito

Address: Av. Konhulich 77506 Cancún Q.R.


Telephone: 998 243 8987

3) For what purposes do we collect and use your personal data?

Your personal data will be used for the following purposes:

*Provide the requested and / or contracted services.

*Respond to your information, attention and service requirements.

*Evaluate the quality of the service we provide.

*Records file and record of the contractual relationship for monitoring future services.

*Comply with the obligations and commitments that we have contracted with you.

4) What personal data do we obtain and from where?

For the purposes indicated above, we can collect your personal data in different ways:

- When you visit our website or use our online services.

- When we obtain information through other sources of public access that are permitted by law (telephone or labor directories, websites, etc.).

Personal data we collect:

- Contact information (Name, Email, Address, Telephone, Mobile, Fax)

- Financial information and payment methods (Credit card, debit card, checks)

Use of cookies, web beacons and JavaScript:

A cookie is information that a website stores on your computer through the use of an internet browser or browser. A cookie allows websites to record your internet browsing activities - such as what pages and content you were looking at, when you visited them, what you searched for, and if you clicked on a resource. The data collected by cookies can be combined to create a profile of your internet activities.

The web beacons together with the web metrics JavaScripts allow storing information about the usage patterns of our website. We inform you that we use these tools to obtain statistical information such as the following:

Type of browser and operating system, Internet pages consulted, origin of the visit, access IP address, time spent on our site, among other statistical data.

Cookies, JavaScript and other tracking and tracing technologies may be disabled, however disabling them may cause the website or some of its features to not perform properly.

To review the settings and, if necessary, disable them, use the ‘Help’ tab (Help), or search in ‘Tools’ (Tools) for the settings of ‘Options’ (Options) or ‘Privacy’ (Privacy) of your browser. From there, you can delete cookies, or control in which case you allow them to be installed. There are some browsers that allow you to install add-on software tools to block, eliminate or control cookies. And generally, security programs include options to facilitate the control of cookies.

5) ¿How to Access, Rectify, Cancel or Oppose the use and treatment of your personal data (ARCO Rights)?

You have a constitutional right to Access and know the personal data that we possess and the details of the treatment and use thereof, as well as to Rectify and correct them if they are inaccurate or incomplete; Cancel and delete them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, or that they are being used for purposes not authorized by you or have ended the legal or service relationship, or, oppose the treatment of the same for specific purposes. The mechanisms implemented for the exercise of your ARCO Rights, as well as the deadlines, information and documentation that your request must contain are specified in the Holder's Rights section (10) located in this same document.

6) How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal data?

If you do not wish to receive messages from us that are not essential to fulfill the stated purposes, the mechanisms implemented for this, as well as the deadlines, information and documentation that your request must contain are specified in the Owner's Rights section (10) located in this same document.

7) How to revoke consent for the treatment of your personal data?

If you wish to revoke the consent that you gave us for the use of your personal data, the mechanisms implemented for this as well as the deadlines, information and documentation that your request must contain are specified in the Owner's Rights section (10) located in this same document

8) Transfer of personal data

We inform you that Sea Sea Transfers SA de CV does not carry out transfers of personal data.

9) Modifications to the privacy Notice

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Notice at any time, to deal with legislative changes, internal policies or new requirements to fulfill the intended purposes. These modifications will be available to the Holders at the address web:

10) Rights of the Holder

Sea Sea Transfers SA de CV has implemented the following procedure for the Exercise of Rights of the Holder regarding your Personal Data.


1.- Request the corresponding Format (ARCO, revoke consent, limit use, refusal of transfer) to the email:

2. Carefully read the requirements and indications described in the format.

3. Send the complete application to the email:

4. Confirm receipt of your application by phone: 998 243 8987

11) To whom can you present your complaints or claims for the improper treatment of your personal data?

If after having exercised your Data Protection Rights before Sea Sera Transfers SA de CV through the mechanisms established in this Privacy Notice, you consider that your right to protection of personal data has been injured by some conduct or omission on our part ; or you have evidence that in the treatment of your personal data there is a violation of the provisions set forth in the LFPDPPP, we invite you to contact again with us to exhaust all internal procedures in order to fully satisfy your request. If this is not the case, you may file the corresponding complaint with the INAI. For more information visit: